You know when you have watched too many kids movies when you start to quote them more than anything else. (FYI think Incredibles)
Anyway to a subject that is totally different. Today we had our Stake Conference and yesterday we had our adult meeting. So what so special about that you say? Well our stake presidency was released and a new presidency was sustained, therefore 2 general authorities came to preside over the meeting. Elder Marlin K. Jensen of the First Presidency of the Seventy and Elder Ronald J. Hammond our Area Seventy. The story is 10 1/2 years ago I was at a stake conference in Green River and Elder Hammond was presiding at that meeting. For some reason he was moved to ask me to come up and share my testimony with our stake. At our adult meeting last night I didn't recognize his name, but as soon as I saw him it hit me that he was that man. I talked with him for a short while after our stake meeting today just to make sure that I had the right guy and I was surprised that he even remembered. So, anyway it was a moment that was special to me and I'm amazed at how things come full circle; how things worked out, and the Lord worked with my life to give me the opportunity to talk to him again.