Friday, November 16, 2007

Joining the blogging world

Well, Marc and I decided to get with the times and start a blog. We figured it is a great way to keep up with the family to let them know how we are and what's new. I'm really excited about this hopefully Marc and I can be responsible enough to post often. So on with the news!

Most of you already know this but, come April there will be another GreenBean joining our family. I'm 18 weeks today and feeling much much better than I did in my first trimester. This pregnancy is soooo different from Grant's. I was a lot more sick, I'm alot more tired, and I'm cramping. I'm feeling the baby a lot. I feel little kicks and pokes often and it helps me to feel like I'm actually pregnant and not just getting fat! Well, to be honest my overall weight gain so far is -1 pounds. So I really haven't gained anything, even though I feel like I'm eating constantly. I go in for my 20 wk U/S on the 29th of this month. I'm really excited. We are hoping for a girl. I really want to buy dresses and girly stuff.

Grant is getting so big! He sings songs and knows tons of words. He is really a daddy's boy. He works out in the garage with Marc helping him fix stuff. He has this little box with toy tools and he gets them out so he can "fix" mommy. He is getting really independant now. He likes to put on his shoes himself and get his clothes changed himself. He'll even pick out his outfits and Pj's. Thank goodness he didn't inherit the color blindness or we would have some out fit fiasco's.

Marc is doing more and more for L.L.Greens. The store has some new displays for lighting and plumbing fixtures. He always has some sort of project going on at home. Last one was atrying to make a dog door for Pixie because she decided to chew up the 2 previous ones. So this one is metal and hopefully will last longer than the last one! Marc also was an angel and Rug Doctered the car last week! It looks so much better! Having a little one in the car really takes it's toll on the apholstry.

Well, that is about all I can think of! Hope everyone is doing well and we love you!!

1 comment:

Doug and Marilyn said...

We are so excited you have a blog! Sounds like things are going well. Marc said you were having troubles getting photos on. When you compose a post there are a few little buttons by the font and color options. There is one that looks like scenery. Push that one and then upload your picture. Obviously we want the pictures from you guys!! That little Grant is just too cute. Hope you are feeling better Kelly. We can't wait to see you in 3-4 days!!!!