Friday, December 12, 2008

Tag I'm It

OK here goes:

1 Embarrassing Moment: Gross warning- when a bunch or friends were at Scott Wall's house for a party and I had eaten a lot of snacks and Ernie Evans decides it would be funny to pick me up upside down and spin me around in circles. I ended up puking the entire contents of my stomach onto the floor. Not sick puking just puking by centrifugal force.

2 best friends: Marc and My Mom

3 things I buy regularly: Milk, cereal, baby food

4 places I want to go: on a vacation; anywhere, Sydney, Australia, St, Thomas, and Switzerland (for the Chocolate)

5 goals for the upcoming year: Catch up and stay caught up with Logan's baby calendar, Budget finances better, take more pictures, keep my house tidier, and be better at having FHE.

6 things most people don't know about me: I like to play video games, I love sewing, I love to paint, I love math- especially calculus (yeah, weired), I really like CSI Miami and New York, One of my biggest pet peeves is shopping carts left in the parking lot.

7 things I would never say: Um.. There are lots of things I'd never say like I hate dessert, I like spiders, I LOVE doing laundry, Pick some other obvious things.

8 things I love about the Christmas season: Lights, family, Games, Sweets, The Christmas Story, People doing good things, Grant excited about his presents (logan isn't there yet, Giving a gift that person didn't expect.

9 things I say to my spouse/pet/kid(s): Love you lots, Hey lovie (to Grant and Logan), hey honey (to Marc), Hey Mutt (to Pixie), Grant please stop, Logan quit moving while I change you, Marc I need Help!, Dinner's ready, Be safe.

10 things I do a lot: Feed Logan, change diapers, Feed Grant , sleep, feed myself, grocery shop, clean, read, watch CSI and Heroes.

11 things I would rather not live without: Marc, Grant,Logan, my mom, my dad, friends, The Gospel, books, food, Summer, and sleep.

12 people I tag: any 12 people that read this.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I sure miss you, Kell. We really need to stay better in touch. :) Super cute kiddos that you have!