Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whoa! I'm a slacker!

I predicted this would happen! Well, A LOT has changed since my last post. Marc and I have another boy now. Logan Hunter Green was born on April 9 at 4:04 pm, weighed 7# 3oz, and was 20 inches long. I was hoping for a girl, but I realized that Grant really needs a little brother to play with. He is a little pudge. It is amazing how he is packing on the pounds.

I'm now working part time at Power Engineers so I can spend more time with Grant and Logan. Grant will turn 3 in July and he is getting his own personality that sometimes is a little difficult.

Marc painted our living room, dining room and kitchen and put some chair rail up so our house looks a lot better now. The exsiting paint when we bought the house didn't do it justice.


Lauren said...

He is so cute! I'm glad that we can be blogging friends now too! I was thinking about some funny stuff from our college days...we were so awesome with our Powerpuff girl stuff. Want to know something bizarre? do you remember that pillow that you gave me? well, i still have it and USE it between my knees! :)

Doug and Marilyn said...

Yeah for your pictures!! We love them and always want more. Can't' wait to see ya in a few weeks.

Doug and Marilyn said...

Hey it looks like you're figuring out this blog stuff! Lookin good. I use the minima stretch template that blogger has. then i make my header in photoshop. I got the tag with the ribbon on they have scrapbook stuff you can download. hope that helps.

Ash said...

KELLY, oh my gosh! You have no idea how many times I have thought about all the trouble you, me and Ashley used to get into in young womens. I am so happy to see the cute pics of your darling family. Let me know how life has been treating you.